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Everyone needs to serve well and most people figure it out one way or another, but often their mechanics are a little off even when they can serve the ball in.  You need to think of serving as your first attack and opportunity to earn points.  If you have the mechanics of a standing float serve learned, then it can lead you to other variations that will cause chaos for your competition. Below you will find videos to learn the standing float serve, jump serve, and much more.

How to float serve

Watch both of these tutorials from Brandon Joyner and Mark Burik, pro beach volleyball players and co-founders of Better at Beach Volleyball, to get an understanding of the mechanics needed for an awesome standing float serve.

How to Jump Serve

The jump serve described here is also know as a top spin jump serve - in order to differentiate it from a jump float serve.  In beach volleyball, the jump serve can not only be a significant threat against your opponents, but is poetry in motion when done well.  Study from the best with these two videos from the McKibbin Brothers.
In these videos, they speak with Geena Urango and Jeremy Casebeer about how they complete some of the best jump serves on the beach - again and again.  Don't miss these videos, if you want to jump serve well!

How to SERVE A SkyBall

The sky ball is not only a fan favorite, but a useful serve that changes the serve receive tempo to cause chaos for your opponents.  If you don't have this serve in your toolset and you have already mastered the float and jump serve, then try it and have fun.  As with any skill, you need repetitions with feedback.  Be ready to chase that ball down though when you first start! :-). Mark Burik from Better at Beach​ provides a great tutorial here.  Also, watch the highlights of one of the best sky ball servers in the world, Adrian Carambula!


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