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4 Complex Skills

For beach volleyball, I frame the sport with these 4 complex skills: serving, passing, setting, and hitting.  I call these skills complex because they have many parts that combine to form one action.  When trying to improve one of these complex skills, you may have to focus on one particular part (e.g. for passing it may be your footwork that needs primary improvement) in order to develop that skill.  Players tend to want to go from beginner to expert quickly, but beach volleyball (as with any sport) is a test of our patience and diligence.  I have compiled videos from professionals on this website to help you learn from the best and to improve your knowledge of what you need to do to improve.  In the end however, it is whether you apply, what they encourage you to do, on a regular basis that will result in gains little by little, day by day.  After you watch these videos and we practice on the sand courts, don't hesitate to talk about some of the great advice these professional beach volleyball players provide.  This is meant to be an on-going learning process just like life itself, but contained within the 8m x 16m court. 

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